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Laboratory of transcription and splicing regulation: Methods introduction

2017-06-23 11:03:00

1. The roles of alternative splicing in diseases.

First, we isolate specific celltypes from patients or model animals. By extracting the RNA from these celltypes, the transcriptomes are further subject to sequencing, alignment. In ourlab, we are using STAR and DESeq2 for differential ex-x-pression analyses and aBeta-binomial model for differential splicing usage analyses (Chen et al.,Science 2014).

2. Molecular biology experiments

We are using molecular biologyexperiments such as CRISPR/CAS9forinvestigating the biological function of differential expressed genes and isoforms.  

3. Integratedmulti-omics analyses.

By integrating the multi-omics data, includinggenome, transcriptome, epigenome(DNA methylation, histone marks), from patientsor cell types from different development stages or treatment, we are assessing theeffect of common sequence variation (SNPs) or mutations on gene ex-x-pression andalternative splicing  (Chen et al., Cell2016).